
Working papers and current research

Documenting individual poverty in the UK 1978-2017, with Richard Blundell, Heidi Karjaleinen (IFS) and Krishna Pendakur (Simon Fraser University, Canada).


Documenting individual poverty in South Africa and Ethiopia, with Tom Harris (IFS).


Publications in refereed journals

The decline of home cooked food,  with Rachel Griffith and Wenchao (Michelle) Jin, Fiscal Studies, Volume 43, Issue 2, June 2022, pages 105-120, DOI: 10.1111/1475-5890.12298.

OLS estimation of the intra-household distribution of expenditure”, Valérie Lechene, Krishna Pendakur and Alex Wolf.  Journal of Political Economy, 

 The Effect of Gender-Targeted Conditional Cash Transfers on Household Expenditures: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment, with Alex Armand, Orazio Attanasio and  Pedro Carneiro, The Economic Journal, Volume 130, Issue 631, October 2020, Pages 1875–1897,

Efficient responses to targeted cash transfers, with Orazio Attanasio, October 2013, Journal of Political Economy. 

The effect of increases in food prices on consumption and welfare in rural Mexico, with Orazio Attanasio, Vincenzo Di Maro, and David Phillips, Journal of Development Economics, 104, (2013), p136-151.

Health selection and the effect of smoking on mortality, with Jérome Adda, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Volume 115, Issue 3, pages 902-931, July 2013, doi: 10.1111/sjoe.12004.

Non cooperative household demand, with Ian Preston, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 146, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 504–527

Distributional Effects in Household Models: Separate Spheres and Income Pooling, with Martin Browning and Pierre-André Chiappori, Economic Journal, Volume 120: Issue 545, June 2010, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2009.02311.x. 

Does the representation of household behaviour matter for welfare analysis of tax-benefit policies? An introduction, with Bargain O., Beblo M., Beninger D., Blundell R., Carrasco R., Chiuri M.C., Laisney F., Longobardi E., Moreau N.,Myck M., Ruiz-Castillo J. and Vermeulen F., Review of the Economics of the Household, 2006, 4, 99-111.

“Collective models of household labour supply with non convex budget sets and non-participation: a calibration approach”, with Bargain O., Beblo M., Beninger D., Blundell R., Carrasco R., Chiuri M.C., Laisney F., Longobardi E., Moreau N., Myck M., Ruiz-Castillo J. and Vermeulen F., Review of the Economics of the Household, 2006, 113-127.

“Who receives the money matters: Simulating the working families tax credit in the UK and some European tax reforms”, with Bargain O., Beblo M., Beninger D., Blundell R., Carrasco R., Chiuri M.C., Laisney F., Longobardi E., Moreau N., Myck M., Ruiz-Castillo J. and F. Vermeulen F., Review of the Economics of the Household, 2006, 4, 129-156.

“Evaluating the move to a linear tax system in Germany and other European countries: the choice of the representation of household decision processes does matter”, with Bargain O., Beblo M., Beninger D., Blundell R., Carrasco R., Chiuri M.C., Laisney F., Longobardi E., Moreau N., Myck M., Ruiz-Castillo J. and Vermeulen F., Review of the Economics of the Household, 2006, 4, 159-180.

"Collective and unitary models: a clarification", with Martin Browning and Pierre-André Chiappori, Review of the Economics of the Household, 2006, 4, 5-14.

Children and Demand: Direct and Non Direct Effects'' with Martin Browning. Review of Economics of the Household, Vol 1, Issue 1-2, January-April 2003, pp 9-31.

"Tests of Income Pooling in Household Decisions”, February 2002, with Orazio Attanasio, Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 5, No. 4, Oct 2002, pp. 720-748. 

''Incomes and Outcomes: A Structural Model of Intra-Household Allocation'', with Martin Browning, François Bourguignon and Pierre-André Chiappori, Journal of Political Economy, vol102, n6, 1994.

''Une revue de la littérature sur les échelles d'équivalence'', Economie et Prévision, 1993-4/5, n110-111, p169-82.

''Intra-Household Allocation of Consumption: A Model and Some Evidence from French Data'', with François Bourguignon, Pierre-André Chiappori and Martin Browning, Annales d'Economie et de Statistiques, n29, JanvierMars 1993, p137-157.

''Offre de travail des couples et fiscalité'', Economie et Prevision, 1991-1992, n98, p33-45

Book chapters

“Using the CE to Model Household Demand”, with Laura Blow and Peter Levell, in Improving the Measurement of Consumer Expenditures, Christopher Carroll, Thomas Crossley, and John Sabelhaus, editors, forthcoming, NBER Book Series Studies in Income and Wealth, University of Chicago Press.

“Labour Market Participation of Women and Fertility: the Effect of Social Policies – Comments”, in Women at Work: An Economic Perspective, edited by Tito Boeri, Daniela Del Boca and Christopher Pissarides, Oxford University Press, June 2005.

''Comparing Poverty Rates Accross Countries: A Case Study of France and the United Kingdom'', with A.B.Atkinson, K.Gardiner, H.Sutherland, in ''The distribution of Welfare and Household Production, International Perspectives'', Jenkins, Kapteyn and Van Praag eds., Cambridge University Press 1998.

''Salaires, Expérience et Accidents'', with T. Magnac, in ''Trajectoires Sociales, Inégalités et Conditions de Vie'', F.Bouchayer Ed., ERES, 1996.

Policy and consulting papers

World Bank blog post: “All in the family: Estimating resource allocation within households”, Isis Gaddis, Talip Kilic, Valérie Lechene and Alex Wolf, May 23rd 2019.


World Bank, “Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2018 report”, contributed to chapter “Inside the Household: Poor children, women and men”.

“Demand analysis of the National Food Survey”, with Andrew Chesher, Report prepared for the Food Standard Agency, 2002.

''Income and Price Elasticities of Demand for Food'', Section 5 of the ''Annual Report on Food Expenditure, Consumption and Nutrient Intakes'', Report of the National Food Survey Committee, London, The Stationery Office, 2001

''Income and Price Elasticities of Demand for Meat, Meat Products and Fish'', Section 6 of the ''Annual Report on Food Expenditure, Consumption and Nutrient Intakes'', Report of the National Food Survey Committee, London, The Stationery Office, 2000, p87-110.

''Income and Food Expenditure 1987-1997'', with Andrew Chesher, Section 6 of ''Household Food Consumption and Expenditure 1997'', Report of the National Food Survey Committee, HMSO 1998.

''L'évaluation des politiques publiques d'insertion des jeunes sur le marché du travail: questions microéconomiques'', with T.Magnac, in ''Cahier Travail et Emploi'', La Documentation Française, 1996.

''Insertion des jeunes sur le marché du travail: Outils d'analyse et analyses empiriques'', with T.Magnac, J-M Robin and M.Visser, Report for the ''Délégation Interministérielle à l'Insertion des Jeunes'', April 1995.

''The effects of differences in housing and health care systems on international comparisons of income distributions'', with J.Falkingham, K.Gardiner, J.Hills, H.Sutherland, Eurostat Report, 1994.

''Comparing Low Incomes in France and the United Kingdom: Evidence from Household Expenditure Surveys'', with A.B.Atkinson, K.Gardiner, H.Sutherland, in Contemporary Issues in Income Distribution Research, Reports and Proceedings of the Social Policy Research Center, n115, June 1994.