
I have organised several workshops on the behaviour of households at the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Households are groups of individuals who take decisions in a manner which is unobserved by social scientists. The consequences of these decisions, be it consumption, labour supply, savings, or investment in human capital of children can be observed, and their links with the environment and with households's characteristics can be measured. Understanding how changes in the environment and differences in characteristics modify the behaviour of households is of considerable importance for the design and evaluation of policies aimed at individuals.

The workshops provided a platform for discussion of current issues in measuring, modelling and analysing household behaviour, from the more theoretical to the purely descriptive ends of the spectrum.

The links below will take you to the webpages of the workshops, with programmes and papers to download.

2010 Workshop, IFS, June 15th and 16th, 2010

2009 Workshop, IFS, June 1st and 2nd, 2009

2008 Workshop, IFS, June 18th 2008

2007 Workshop, IFS, June 12th 2007 

I have also organised, together with Tom Crossley a workshop on the allocation of resources within households in March 2012. The link to this workshop is here